Bringing People Together
Welcome to British Club of the Taunus e.V.
The British Club of the Taunus is, for many of our members, the chance to be part of a British 'village' community within the Taunus. Founded in 1966, the BCT is a social networking club with members from many different countries around the world, including the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, South Africa and Germany. We are dedicated to welcoming newcomers and supporting members living in the Frankfurt and Taunus area. Our members vary in age and span a wide range of professions and lifestyle, but we are all untied in enjoying the variety of fun and cultural activities that the club provides.
The BCT committee works hard to provide a wide range of events on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. These events include family days, regular nights out, Saturday evening meals, coffee mornings, cinema and theatre trips, book clubs, tours of local places of interest, an annual champagne breakfast, fundraising events, a Christmas Fair and many other gatherings.
The club magazine, the BCT News, is produced ten times a year. It keeps us up to date with club activities, features articles from our members, provides a guide to 'what's on' in the region and has a special ‘Kids’ Capers’ guide.
Fundraising is integral to the mission of the BCT, and over the years members have worked together to raise thousands of euros for local charities. We take pride in being able to give back to the communities in which we have made our home. Past recipients have been Main Kind E.V., FIM - Women's Rights are Human Rights e.V. (FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V.), Frankfurter Tafel and various local hospices in the Taunus region.
Mother's Corner is a network of mothers who organise events for children, run a twice-yearly bazaar, and provide support for families. Read More Here.